Being engaged is a way of doing life, a way of living and loving. It’s about going to extremes and expressing the bright hope that life offers us.
BOB GOFFBeing engaged is a way of doing life, a way of living and loving. It’s about going to extremes and expressing the bright hope that life offers us.
BOB GOFFLive a life of conspicuous grace and courageous resolve.
BOB GOFFWhen you trust someone, you don’t need to know everything.
BOB GOFFThe world will figure out what we really believe, by watching what we actually do.
BOB GOFFThe battle for our hearts is fought on the pages of our calendar.
BOB GOFFI used to think God guided us by opening and closing doors, but now I know sometimes God wants us to kick some doors down.
BOB GOFFI don’t think anyone aims to be typical, really. Most people even vow to themselves some time in high school or college not to be typical. But still, they just kind of loop back to it somehow.
BOB GOFFWhat distracts us will begin to define us. We don’t need to swing at every pitch.
BOB GOFFLoving people the way Jesus did, means living a life of constant interruptions. Bring it.
BOB GOFFThe way we treat people we disagree with most is a report card on what we’ve learned about love.
BOB GOFFSimply put: love does.
BOB GOFFIf you get a no from somebody, don’t say, ‘I’m going to take this as some big cosmic signal.’ No, you just got a no, deal with it. Just go to the next step.
BOB GOFFI used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I’m more afraid of succeeding at things that don’t matter.
BOB GOFFLove is never stationary.
BOB GOFFThere’s a lot to be concerned about; there’s more to be hopeful for.
BOB GOFFWe keep telling God our opinions; He keeps asking us about our hearts. We’ll grow the most when we have the right conversations.