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  • Brandon Mull Quote - Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow. Download This Image
  • Brandon Mull Quote - Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.
  • Brandon Mull Quote - Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.
  • Brandon Mull Quote - Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.
  • Brandon Mull Quote - Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.
  • Brandon Mull Quote - Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.
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Causes have a way of tainting your reason until a person takes much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - Fablehaven’s awesome!!so is the candy shop war! Download This Image

    Fablehaven’s awesome!!so is the candy shop war!

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - I wanted to keep others from wasting their time pursuing the Word. And I couldn’t ditch Rachel.” Galloran smiled. “Truly, you are possessed by that species of madness that begets heroism. Download This Image

    I wanted to keep others from wasting their time pursuing the Word. And I couldn’t ditch Rachel.” Galloran smiled. “Truly, you are possessed by that species of madness that begets heroism.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - Jason glanced at the creature. It remained the same distance away as before, still as a statue. “What do you want?” Jason asked. No answer. “Are you the thing that followed Tark?

    Jason glanced at the creature. It remained the same distance away as before, still as a statue. “What do you want?” Jason asked. No answer. “Are you the thing that followed Tark?

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - And you came back to Lyrian?” Galloran said in disbelief. “Believe it or not, I came through the same hippopotamus that brought me here the first time. Jumped into the tank on purpose.

    And you came back to Lyrian?” Galloran said in disbelief. “Believe it or not, I came through the same hippopotamus that brought me here the first time. Jumped into the tank on purpose.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - The surprise is on the far side.” “You’re sure?” “Positive.” “It better not be another fairy,” Seth said. “What’s the matter with fairies?” “I’ve already seen about a billion of them and also they turned me into a walrus.

    The surprise is on the far side.” “You’re sure?” “Positive.” “It better not be another fairy,” Seth said. “What’s the matter with fairies?” “I’ve already seen about a billion of them and also they turned me into a walrus.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - Ew, sicko. I was practicing Edomic.” “Sure you were,” Jason said. “You’re just too embarrassed to admit you were playing hide-and-seek all alone. Rachel hiding, nobody seeking.

    Ew, sicko. I was practicing Edomic.” “Sure you were,” Jason said. “You’re just too embarrassed to admit you were playing hide-and-seek all alone. Rachel hiding, nobody seeking.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - The baby dove into the room, transforming grotesquely as it landed on the floorin a deft sumersault

    The baby dove into the room, transforming grotesquely as it landed on the floorin a deft sumersault

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - I don’t know how you’re standing here. Yet you haven’t broken. Not where it matters. Having come this far, I’m not sure you can be broken.

    I don’t know how you’re standing here. Yet you haven’t broken. Not where it matters. Having come this far, I’m not sure you can be broken.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - I hate how my past actions keep messing up my future options, Seth muttered. Then you’ve started down the road to wisdom, Grandpa replied.

    I hate how my past actions keep messing up my future options, Seth muttered. Then you’ve started down the road to wisdom, Grandpa replied.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - She refused to think of Neil, brave and quiet, whose reward for a heroic rescue was to be slowly devoured by strange cave balloons. Download This Image

    She refused to think of Neil, brave and quiet, whose reward for a heroic rescue was to be slowly devoured by strange cave balloons.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - The comforts of life as a fugitive,” Drake sighed. “Stumbling about in the dark without mounts.

    The comforts of life as a fugitive,” Drake sighed. “Stumbling about in the dark without mounts.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - The girl with the long brown hair turned around. “Are you her boy friend?” she asked. Summer glanced from Crystal to Nate and back.

    The girl with the long brown hair turned around. “Are you her boy friend?” she asked. Summer glanced from Crystal to Nate and back.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - Was life like that? You could look ahead to the future or back to the past, but the present moved too quickly to absorb. Download This Image

    Was life like that? You could look ahead to the future or back to the past, but the present moved too quickly to absorb.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - You should keep following him. He’s the real mastermind. Shoo. Go hide.” No response. “Okay, how about you stand guard while I sleep. Keep the giants away. Sound good? All in favor, hold perfectly still. Fine, I guess we have a deal.

    You should keep following him. He’s the real mastermind. Shoo. Go hide.” No response. “Okay, how about you stand guard while I sleep. Keep the giants away. Sound good? All in favor, hold perfectly still. Fine, I guess we have a deal.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - Drake. He liked dangerous pies.” “Why did he join you?” “Who would eat pie that could take over your life? Why risk it?” “Focus. Why did he join you?” “Say no to death pies. Another good motto. I’m getting a headache.” p. 432

    Drake. He liked dangerous pies.” “Why did he join you?” “Who would eat pie that could take over your life? Why risk it?” “Focus. Why did he join you?” “Say no to death pies. Another good motto. I’m getting a headache.” p. 432

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Brandon Mull Quote - An occasional foray into negative emotions makes feeling normal that much sweeter. Download This Image

    An occasional foray into negative emotions makes feeling normal that much sweeter.