One of my favorite things about doing movies is that you get to do different things you’d never do in real life.
DAKOTA FANNINGOne of my favorite things about doing movies is that you get to do different things you’d never do in real life.
DAKOTA FANNINGEvery day, we communicate more with our energy, body language, face and eyes. That really is what communication is, and not so much words. And it’s rare that you get to explore that in a film.
DAKOTA FANNINGYou have to be totally one hundred per cent committed to act. I do value everyone else’s advice, but ultimately I have to listen to myself.
DAKOTA FANNINGPeople are lonely in this world for lots of different reasons. The one thing that I do know is, it doesn’t matter what any one of them tell you — nobody wants to be alone.
DAKOTA FANNINGI love the feeling I get when I’m on a set; I love reading the scripts, playing the characters, getting to be someone else.
DAKOTA FANNINGIt’s something that’s always been there for me, that I have huge blue eyes – it’s been something that people have always talked about.
DAKOTA FANNINGWhen you loose something or someone that your really care about, that’s all there is. The world may be blowing up around you, but you don’t care about that. You don’t care about that at all.
DAKOTA FANNINGDon’t touch your brows. I’ve never done anything to my eyebrows.
DAKOTA FANNINGI’ve been a ballerina since I was two, but I’ve always wanted to be an actress.
DAKOTA FANNINGDear God, I do not ask for health or wealth. People ask you so often that you can’t have any left. Give me, God, what else you have. Give me what no-one else asks for. Amen.
DAKOTA FANNINGMy friends are the friends I’ve had forever, that’s kept me very sane.
DAKOTA FANNINGI played the young Reese Witherspoon in ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ when I was 7, and the boy who played the young Josh Lucas was 10.
DAKOTA FANNINGI think I was a Japanese schoolgirl in another life. That’s how much I love Hello Kitty.
DAKOTA FANNINGMy parents never talked to me like I was a kid. Maybe that’s why I’ve been seen as mature.
DAKOTA FANNINGJust for that alone, you’re kind of inherently given opportunity. That’s something that I’m very grateful for, but I’m also very aware of.
DAKOTA FANNINGIt was really really neat to make the movie because there were mentally challenged actors in the movie. So that was really really cool to work with them and they were always really happy, and they made everybody really happy on the set too.