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  • John Locke Quote - Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.
  • John Locke Quote - Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.
  • John Locke Quote - Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.
  • John Locke Quote - Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.
  • John Locke Quote - Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.
  • John Locke Quote - Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.
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Till a man can judge whether they be truths or not, his understanding is but little improved, and thus men of much reading, though greatly learned, but may be little knowing.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - It is labour indeed that puts the difference on everything.

    It is labour indeed that puts the difference on everything.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - So that, in effect, religion, which should most distinguish us from beasts, and ought most peculiarly to elevate us, as rational creatures, above brutes, is that wherein men often appear most irrational, and more senseless than beasts themselves.

    So that, in effect, religion, which should most distinguish us from beasts, and ought most peculiarly to elevate us, as rational creatures, above brutes, is that wherein men often appear most irrational, and more senseless than beasts themselves.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - The senses at first let in particular Ideas, and furnish the yet empty Cabinet: And the Mind by degrees growing familiar with some of them, they are lodged in the Memory, and Names got to them.

    The senses at first let in particular Ideas, and furnish the yet empty Cabinet: And the Mind by degrees growing familiar with some of them, they are lodged in the Memory, and Names got to them.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - To be rational is so glorious a thing, that two-legged creatures generally content themselves with the title.

    To be rational is so glorious a thing, that two-legged creatures generally content themselves with the title.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - We are all a sort of chameleons, that still take a tincture from things near us: nor is it to be wondered at in children, who better understand what they see, than what they hear.

    We are all a sort of chameleons, that still take a tincture from things near us: nor is it to be wondered at in children, who better understand what they see, than what they hear.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Whoever uses force without Right … puts himself into a state of War with those, against whom he uses it, and in that state all former Ties are canceled, all other Rights cease, and every one has a Right to defend himself, and to resist the Aggressor.

    Whoever uses force without Right … puts himself into a state of War with those, against whom he uses it, and in that state all former Ties are canceled, all other Rights cease, and every one has a Right to defend himself, and to resist the Aggressor.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - When the sacredness of property is talked of, it should be remembered that any such sacredness does not belong in the same degree to landed property. Download This Image

    When the sacredness of property is talked of, it should be remembered that any such sacredness does not belong in the same degree to landed property.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Curiosity in children, is but an appetite for knowledge. The great reason why children abandon themselves wholly to silly pursuits and trifle away their time insipidly is, because they find their curiosity balked, and their inquiries neglected.

    Curiosity in children, is but an appetite for knowledge. The great reason why children abandon themselves wholly to silly pursuits and trifle away their time insipidly is, because they find their curiosity balked, and their inquiries neglected.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Mathematical proofs, like diamonds, are hard and clear, and will be touched with nothing but strict reasoning.

    Mathematical proofs, like diamonds, are hard and clear, and will be touched with nothing but strict reasoning.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Slavery is so vile and miserable an Estate of Man, and so directly opposite to the generous Temper and Courage of our Nation; that ’tis hardly to be conceived, that an Englishman, much less a Gentleman, should plead for’t.

    Slavery is so vile and miserable an Estate of Man, and so directly opposite to the generous Temper and Courage of our Nation; that ’tis hardly to be conceived, that an Englishman, much less a Gentleman, should plead for’t.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Neither the inveterateness of the mischief, nor the prevalency of the fashion, shall be any excuse for those who will not take care about the meaning of their own words, and will not suffer the insignificancy of their expressions to be inquired into. Download This Image

    Neither the inveterateness of the mischief, nor the prevalency of the fashion, shall be any excuse for those who will not take care about the meaning of their own words, and will not suffer the insignificancy of their expressions to be inquired into.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues. Download This Image

    Fortitude is the guard and support of the other virtues.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.

    Government has no other end, but the preservation of property.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - Since the great foundation of fear is pain, the way to harden and fortify children against fear and danger is to accustom them to suffer pain. Download This Image

    Since the great foundation of fear is pain, the way to harden and fortify children against fear and danger is to accustom them to suffer pain.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - I esteem it above all things necessary to distinguish exactly the business of civil government from that of religion and to settle the just bounds that lie between the one and the other. Download This Image

    I esteem it above all things necessary to distinguish exactly the business of civil government from that of religion and to settle the just bounds that lie between the one and the other.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram John Locke Quote - It is practice alone that brings the powers of the mind, as well as those of the body, to their perfection. Download This Image

    It is practice alone that brings the powers of the mind, as well as those of the body, to their perfection.