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  • Michael Hudson Quote - Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.
  • Michael Hudson Quote - Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.
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Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Either you can save the economy, or you can save the One Percent from losing a single penny.

    Either you can save the economy, or you can save the One Percent from losing a single penny.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

    More and more money is being extracted from of the production and consumption economy to pay the FIRE sector. That’s what causes debt deflation and shrinks markets. If you pay the banks, you have less to spend on goods and services.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - When you say “paying the banks,” what they really mean is paying the bank bondholders. They are basically the One Percent.

    When you say “paying the banks,” what they really mean is paying the bank bondholders. They are basically the One Percent.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - There are two definitions of deflation. Most people think of it simply as prices going down. But debt deflation is what happens when people have to spend more and more of their income to carry the debts that they’ve run up – to pay their mortgage debt, to pay the credit card debt, to pay student loans.

    There are two definitions of deflation. Most people think of it simply as prices going down. But debt deflation is what happens when people have to spend more and more of their income to carry the debts that they’ve run up – to pay their mortgage debt, to pay the credit card debt, to pay student loans.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - What’s bad for the frackers usually is good for the rest of the world.

    What’s bad for the frackers usually is good for the rest of the world.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Elites play the role today that landlords played under feudalism. They levy interest and financial fees that are like a tax, to support what the classical economists called “unproductive activity.” Download This Image

    Elites play the role today that landlords played under feudalism. They levy interest and financial fees that are like a tax, to support what the classical economists called “unproductive activity.”

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The parasite can’t simply come in and take something. First of all, it needs to numb the host. It has an enzyme so that the host doesn’t realize the parasite’s there. Download This Image

    The parasite can’t simply come in and take something. First of all, it needs to numb the host. It has an enzyme so that the host doesn’t realize the parasite’s there.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The Eurozone die is cast. Countries must withdraw from the euro so that governments can create their own money once again, and resist creditor demands to carve up and privatize their public domain.

    The Eurozone die is cast. Countries must withdraw from the euro so that governments can create their own money once again, and resist creditor demands to carve up and privatize their public domain.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - The essence of the global financial bubble is that savings are diverted to inflate the stock market, bond market and real estate prices rather than to build new factories and employ more labor.

    The essence of the global financial bubble is that savings are diverted to inflate the stock market, bond market and real estate prices rather than to build new factories and employ more labor.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Most people think of the economy as producing goods and services and paying labor to buy what it produces.

    Most people think of the economy as producing goods and services and paying labor to buy what it produces.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies. Download This Image

    This is the sector that backs the political campaigns of senators, presidents and congressmen, and they use this leverage to make sure that their people dominate the Federal Reserve, Treasury and the federal housing agencies.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Economists often define their discipline as “the allocation of scarce resources among competing ends.” But when resources or money really become scarce, economists call it a crisis and say that it’s a question for politicians, not their own department.

    Economists often define their discipline as “the allocation of scarce resources among competing ends.” But when resources or money really become scarce, economists call it a crisis and say that it’s a question for politicians, not their own department.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Since 2008 you’ve had the largest bond market rally in history, as the Federal Reserve flooded the economy with quantitative easing to drive down interest rates.

    Since 2008 you’ve had the largest bond market rally in history, as the Federal Reserve flooded the economy with quantitative easing to drive down interest rates.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.

    Every government, from the Obama administration right through to Angela Merkel, the Eurozone and the IMF, promise to save the banks, not the economy.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - I don’t think that governments should permit speculation in raw materials, because they’re what the economy basically needs.

    I don’t think that governments should permit speculation in raw materials, because they’re what the economy basically needs.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Michael Hudson Quote - Mathematically, debts grow exponentially at compound interest. Banks recycle the interest into new loans, so debts grow exponentially, faster than the economy can afford to pay.

    Mathematically, debts grow exponentially at compound interest. Banks recycle the interest into new loans, so debts grow exponentially, faster than the economy can afford to pay.