If you were really good and practiced your violin for a few hours a day for ten years you might be invited to this VIP elite club.
BJORKLove is a two way dream.
More Bjork Quotes
I love being a very personal singer-songwriter, but I also like being a scientist or explorer.
It’s nice and quiet but soon again starts another big riot!
I’ve never done an album like this. With Biophilia, I was being like Kofi Annan – I had to be the pacifist to try to unite the impossible.
When I met Apple, I made it very clear that I am an old punk and I have never done commercials or been sponsored. And I wasn’t after their money.
They design telephones to look great, but they sound horrible. I think it was about time that the other senses were celebrated.
Usually when you see females in movies, they feel like they have these metallic structures around them, they are caged in by male energy.
Kids draw masterpieces – they’re the best painters ever. I think the same with music. They could totally write amazing music if they just had the right tools.
People ask me questions like, “Oh, you look so theatrical in your photographs. Is that what you’re like when you walk down the street?” It’s like, “Of course not.” It’s such a silly question – it’s like being theatrical is a crime.
When I was 20, political music was the uncoolest thing on earth. But when Bush got elected, that was the first time I started actually reading the news.
I miss you, but I haven’t met you yet!
I just feel like making things solar-powered and wind-powered should be as easy as using an iPad.
I feel like the people from Iceland have a different relationship with their country than other places.
Our times seem to be so much about redefining where we are physical and where we’re not.
People from the rock and roll world have felt for years that electronic music had no soul, but now electronic music can not only have soul but have all the shapes in the world.
It wasn’t just one journalist getting it wrong, everybody was getting it wrong.