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  • M.K. Standby Quote - Your kisses fell on me like sand through an hourglass – a thousand tiny moments, for an eternity of stillness. Download This Image
  • M.K. Standby Quote - Your kisses fell on me like sand through an hourglass – a thousand tiny moments, for an eternity of stillness.
  • M.K. Standby Quote - Your kisses fell on me like sand through an hourglass – a thousand tiny moments, for an eternity of stillness.
  • M.K. Standby Quote - Your kisses fell on me like sand through an hourglass – a thousand tiny moments, for an eternity of stillness.
  • M.K. Standby Quote - Your kisses fell on me like sand through an hourglass – a thousand tiny moments, for an eternity of stillness.
  • M.K. Standby Quote - Your kisses fell on me like sand through an hourglass – a thousand tiny moments, for an eternity of stillness.
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Your kisses fell on me like sand through an hourglass – a thousand tiny moments, for an eternity of stillness.