My brain, I believe, is the most beautiful part of my body.
SHAKIRAAll through my twenties, I spent more time worrying what I didn’t have than thinking about what I did have. I wished that I was taller, had longer legs, slimmer hips, a smaller bottom, even straighter hair.
More Shakira Quotes
My dad used to take them to the notary and register them so that nobody could steal them from me.
I am a person who has many dreams. But as soon as I accomplish one, I move on to the next. That’s my fatal, absurd nature. Human beings are slaves to our dreams, and I am, too. Now I think I just want to share my musical proposal in its entire form.
I will never forget that day. I just wanted to see Kurt Cobain’s face. I had a feeling he was very cute. But, I couldn’t see his face.
I know what I’m doing even when I’m wearing a pencil skirt.
And I think that is tremendously empowering and is not diminishing in any way. I fell that any woman who is in control, who is in touch with her femininity and sensuality, is a woman that is empowered.
Both the IDB and Fundacion ALAS believe that the future of prosperity and equality that we hope for has to start today with higher investment and higher quality in Early Childhood Development programs throughout the region.
Fame isolates people from reality. That happens to many artists, and I don’t want it to happen to me.
We’ve built six schools in Colombia and do work in South Africa and Haiti. We teach 5,000 students.
I feel like I’m not on Earth just to shake it and shake it endlessly, you know?
I feel like I’m on an anthropological mission.
I’m barefoot whenever I can be.
In the full light of day, I don’t want to think about the sunset.
Videos come definitely after the music has been created, but I have always felt, and especially today, that videos are vital in the album process. I think that we live in a very visual era, and if you make a mistake with a video, those images will accompany the song forever.
The worst frustration for a singer is choosing a career in making music and then not being able to make music because you’re always giving interviews.
If the fastest growing population in this country is Latino, that means we are the future of this country. And, we have proven we have talent. Now we need the tools to succeed.