The more liked you are in Washington, the less liked you are in the rest of America, and vice versa.
TED CRUZThe reason the Constitution gives judges life tenure is so they can be independent of political pressures and follow the law.
More Ted Cruz Quotes
I have never supported amnesty, and I led the fight against Chuck Schumer’s gang of eight amnesty legislation in the Senate.
ISIS and Iran have declared war on America, and we need a commander in chief who will do everything necessary to keep our children safe.
Washington D.C. politics is like Hollywood for ugly people.
I don’t think we should be engaged in nation-building. It’s not our job to turn foreign nations into democratic utopias, to try to turn Iraq into Switzerland. It is the military’s job to hunt down and kill our enemies, to kill ISIS before they murder American citizens and they wage jihad.
The American free market system is the greatest engine for prosperity and opportunity that the world has ever seen. Freedom works.
You have a right to have a feather duster. If anyone breaks in, you can make sure they’re really clean as they’re robbing your house.
We need the private sector’s help, because government is not innovating. Technology is running ahead by leaps and bound. The private sector will help, just as I helped after 9/11. But they must be engaged, and they must be asked. I will ask them. I know them.
I offer myself as a leader to the people of this country because I think they’re looking for solutions, not lawyers arguing over laws or entertainers throwing out sound bites that draw media attention. We need to solve the problem.
ISIS says they want to go back and reject modernity? Well, I think we should help them. We ought to bomb them back to the Stone Age.
You don’t have to solve every problem at once.
I appreciate the good work that senators in both parties have put into trying to fix our broken immigration system. There are some good elements in this proposal, especially increasing the resources and manpower to secure our border and also improving and streamlining legal immigration. However, I have deep concerns with the proposed path to citizenship. To allow those who came here illegally to be placed on such a path is both inconsistent with rule of law and profoundly unfair to the millions of legal immigrants who waited years, if not decades, to come to America legally.
We`re seeing something fairly remarkable happen on the political train. We`re seeing the Washington establishment abandoning Marco Rubio. I think they`ve made the determination that Marco can`t win. And they`re rushing to support Donald Trump.
If the federal government is going to cost $100 million or more of your jobs going away, at a minimum the people who are elected by the people ought to have to vote and say, yes, I support taking away your job; or no, I don’t support taking away your job.
I’m not going to impugn anyone’s integrity. I’m not going to attack their character. And, in fact, I will happily praise both Donald Trump and Marco Rubio as men who I admire, as people who I’m not going to go personal with them.
One of the things that I intend to devote a lot of time to in the coming years is continuing to try to move people’s hearts and minds with humor, with stories, with anecdotes, with facts and information.