According to the Sutras, evil deeds result in hardships and good deeds result in blessings.
BODHIDHARMADelusion means mortality. And awareness means Buddhahood.
More Bodhidharma Quotes
Trying to find a buddha or enlightenment is like trying to grab space.
To enter by reason means to realize the essence through instruction and to believe that all living things share the same true nature, which isn’t apparent because it’s shrouded by sensation and delusion.
The mind is always present. You just don’t see it.
To find a Buddha all you have to do is see your nature.
The true Way is sublime. It can’t be expressed in language. Of what use are scriptures? But someone who sees his own nature finds the Way, even if he can’t read a word.
Everything sacred, nothing sacred.
All know the way, but few actually walk it.
But while success and failure depend on conditions, the mind neither waxes nor wanes.
In order to see a fish you must watch the water
If we should be blessed by some great reward, such as fame or fortune, it’s the fruit of a seed planted by us in the past.
The Way is basically perfect. It doesn’t require perfecting.
The Buddha is your real body, your original mind.
To have a body is to suffer. Does anyone with a body know peace? Those who understand this detach themselves from all that exists and stop imagining or seeking anything. The sutras say, “To seek is to suffer. To seek nothing is bliss.” When you seek nothing, you’re on the Path.
One clings to life although there is nothing to be called life; another clings to death although there is nothing to be called death. In reality, there is nothing to be born; consequently, there is nothing to perish.
The ignorant mind, with its infinite afflictions, passions, and evils, is rooted in the three poisons. Greed, anger, and delusion.