We must always be disturbed by the truth.
DOGENThe whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
More Dogen Quotes
If you do not get it from yourself, where will you go for it?
Those who practice know whether realization is attained or not, just as those who drink water know whether it is hot or cold
When you walk in the mist, you get wet.
Just practice good, do good for others, without thinking of making yourself known so that you may gain reward. Really bring benefit to others, gaining nothing for yourself. This is the primary requisite for breaking free of attachments to the Self.
The true person is Not anyone in particular; But like the deep blue color Of the limitless sky, It is everyone, Everywhere in the world.
People who truly follow the Way would do well to conceal the fact that they are Buddhists.
I asked, “What are words?” The tenzo said, “One, two, three, four, five.” I asked again, “What is practice?” “Nothing in the entire universe is hidden.”
People like what is not true and they don’t like what is true.
To study the Way is to study the self. To study the self is to forget the self.
Students today should live fully every moment of time. This dew-like life fades away; time speeds swiftly. In this short life of ours, avoid involvement in superfluous things and just study the Way.
A zen master’s life is one continuous mistake.
In doing zazen it is desirable to have a quiet room. You should be temperate in eating and drinking, forsaking all delusive relationships. Setting everything aside, think of neither good nor evil, right nor wrong. Thus having stopped the various functions of your mind, five up even the idea of becoming a Buddha.
Since it is the practice of enlightenment, that practice has no beginning and since it is enlightenment within the practice, that realization has no end.
No matter how bad a state of mind you may get into, if you keep strong and hold out, eventually the floating clouds must vanish and the withering wind must cease.
There is no beginning to practice nor end to enlightenment; There is no beginning to enlightenment nor end to practice.