I think my dad is the only Arabic descendent who is an unsuccessful businessman.
SHAKIRAI’m barefoot whenever I can be.
More Shakira Quotes
I never made it to the school choir because the music teacher didn’t like my voice.
I was a real mummy’s girl – still am. And as for my father, well, I have an Oedipus complex I’m still working out. I love that man!
My man, Gerard, prefers meat over bone. That takes the pressure off. I already have a lot to worry about.
The worst mistake of a woman is to go to the kitchen, because then she never gets out of there.
For a while, I could only wear sweat pants because I was that intermediate size that you’re not a small, you’re not a large.
When I finally did see him, he was even cuter than I imagined!
Videos come definitely after the music has been created, but I have always felt, and especially today, that videos are vital in the album process. I think that we live in a very visual era, and if you make a mistake with a video, those images will accompany the song forever.
If it was up to me, I would just wear jeans and t-shirts, even to red carpets, but then no one would photograph me, so that would make me very sad. So you know, I’ve gotta keep up with the rest of the female population and sometimes try a little harder.
My brain, I believe, is the most beautiful part of my body.
A kid cannot learn with an empty stomach.
I tried to give my career a shot from Barranquilla, but the musicians would never show up. It was just not taken seriously.
My therapist taught me why I behave in certain ways and not to feel so pressured.
When we were in the Dark Ages, it was a question of humanity somehow managing to forget about itself. We put God in the centre of society, and people forgot about their own nature and desires. There was a huge deal of repression.
Gerard and I pretty much share all parenting responsibilities, although I’m definitely the disciplinarian.
I was unaware of the dispute in Brooklyn. I would never knowingly wear any clothes or support any company who produced clothing with alleged wage and labor violations.