Coming down the 18th, your heart’s pounding, and the hair is sticking straight up on your arms – there’s no feeling like it.
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Coming down the 18th, your heart’s pounding, and the hair is sticking straight up on your arms – there’s no feeling like it.
JOHN DALYA lion controls his jungle.
JOHN DALYI can’t dwell on the past, that I haven’t won a lot, but anytime I didn’t play good was mainly because I didn’t putt very good.
JOHN DALYWe weren’t the kind of family that talked about our problems. We were a close family, in a kind of faraway way.
JOHN DALYI try to think of myself as a lion, bringing down the kill, controlling the jungle.
JOHN DALYI’m really good at math and history, but I suck in English.
JOHN DALYI’ve always said that it’s none of my business what other people think of me.
JOHN DALYI’ve always said throwing a club shows you care.
JOHN DALYFlorida sends me a handicap sticker when I’m there. It’s embarrassing. But I can’t walk more than six holes before the whole knee swells up, and then I can’t go anymore.
JOHN DALYI don’t want to be average.
JOHN DALYSometimes it works out. Sometimes it doesn’t.
JOHN DALYThe greatest thing for me is when someone comes up and says, ‘My son started playing golf because of you,’ or, ‘I started playing golf because of you,’ and all that.
JOHN DALYI guess when we get older, we try so hard to get our game back. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn’t.
JOHN DALYI don’t like watching golf on TV. I’d rather play.
JOHN DALYIt sucks getting old.
JOHN DALYIt’s not like I’m starting out with $500 a pull or $1,000 a pull. I go in there and play $25, and if I win, I play $100s.