In a world that demands service we position ourselves as servants.
ALAN HIRSCHIn a world that demands service we position ourselves as servants.
ALAN HIRSCHUnless the church is equipping believers to embrace the values and vision of the kingdom of God and turn away from the materialism, consumerism, greed, and power of the present age.
ALAN HIRSCHBut because they also convey universal truths about personal self-discovery and self-transcendence, one’s role in society, and the relation between the two.
ALAN HIRSCHThe embodiment of the very adventure that all people in every epoch have desired.
ALAN HIRSCHWhen there is no possibility of retreat, we will find the innovation that only the liminal situation can bring.
ALAN HIRSCHMost churches don’t have the resources for these tricks and inducements but are still bound to the imagination that church happens on a Sunday in a building.
ALAN HIRSCHIn order to develop a pioneering missional spirit.
ALAN HIRSCHWho knows what innovation, what freshness, what new insights from the Spirit will emerge.
ALAN HIRSCHIn short, we find the faith of leap.
ALAN HIRSCHYou plant the gospel. You don’t plant churches.
ALAN HIRSCHMany church folk, in their self-conscious attempt to be overtly morally upright, emit all the wrong signals, thus messing with people’s perception of the gospel.
ALAN HIRSCHMission is the practical demonstration, whether by speech or by action, of the glorious lordship of Jesus.
ALAN HIRSCHThe appetite for adventure and risk is not exclusive to young Christians. In face.
ALAN HIRSCHAnd if they begin with this mistaken belief about their position in Western society, all their church planting.
ALAN HIRSCHReconnecting with this purpose and recovering the forgotten ways. This purpose and potential have always been there, but individuals and communities have largely lost touch with them.
ALAN HIRSCHYou cannot sell a Christendom approach to a post-Christian world. They are anti-Christian.