Learning between grown-ups and kids should be reciprocal.
ADORA SVITAKLearning between grown-ups and kids should be reciprocal.
ADORA SVITAKThe goal is not to turn kids into your kind of adult, but rather better adults than you have been.
ADORA SVITAKI just thought everyone loved reading as much as I did.
ADORA SVITAKWe often try to quantify it with how much we feel seen and heard.
ADORA SVITAKNot just for me, but for everyone.
ADORA SVITAKWith writing, I can express myself, really, and share my ideas and just let my thoughts flow out.
ADORA SVITAKAnd to teach you something about what we know.
ADORA SVITAKRather than us trying to change girls in order to fit into the common mold of what we think a CEO looks like.
ADORA SVITAKBut I think it’s very important to tell children that you can read for fun, too, and to understand human spirit. It builds empathy.
ADORA SVITAKWe always reference kids but very rarely ask their opinion.
ADORA SVITAKIt seems we’re not only uninformed about our present.
ADORA SVITAKWhere no girl is denied access to education, for instance.
ADORA SVITAKI taught my first class at a local elementary school the year my first book, ‘Flying Fingers,’ debuted.
ADORA SVITAKSince the age of four, I’ve been exploring what I can do with the written word.
ADORA SVITAKThe challenge is getting everyone to pay attention to it.
ADORA SVITAKHistory is made every day.