Patient people prosper.
C.R.WThe best parts of ourselves are the parts we are too afraid to show others.
More C.R.W Quotes
I am bound by nothing except the limitations I place on myself.
C.R.W -
The wisest among us are the ones who calmly listen and speak in the face of adversity.
C.R.W -
Learning is the most powerful tool we will ever have.
C.R.W -
You’re not crazy for wanting more out of your relationships.
C.R.W -
The greatest battles we’ll ever face are the ones no one sees.
C.R.W -
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but please, take the time to heal.
C.R.W -
Your dirty laundry was never mine to carry.
C.R.W -
The waiting will be worth it. The waiting is always worth it.
C.R.W -
I am okay with being a work in progress.
C.R.W -
Be kind and gentle to those who are not gentle to themselves.
C.R.W -
Our darkest moments are linked to our brightest accomplishments.
C.R.W -
Someone who is insecure is a child still learning to love themselves fully.
C.R.W -
Be patient. Be sincere. Be humble. Be the best version of you.
C.R.W -
You are a heartbreak I’m willing to go through.
C.R.W -
Normalize taking a moment out of your day to meditate or pray on the trials of your life.