Sweet it is, when on the high seas the winds are lashing the waters, to gaze from the land on another’s struggles.
LUCRETIUSGently touching with the charm of poetry.
More Lucretius Quotes
Globed from the atoms falling slow or swift I see the suns, I see the systems lift Their forms; and even the systems and the suns Shall go back slowly to the eternal drift.
Pleasant it to behold great encounters of warfare arrayed over the plains, with no part of yours in peril.
Thus the sum Forever is replenished, and we live As mortals by eternal give and take. The nations wax, the nations wane away; In a brief space the generations pass, And like to runners hand the lamp of life One unto other.
How wretched are the minds of men, and how blind their understandings.
How many evils have flowed from religion.
A falling drop at last will carve a stone.
Thus, then, the All that is is limited In no one region of its onward paths, For then ‘tmust have forever its beyond.
Those vestiges of natures left behind Which reason cannot quite expel from us Are still so slight that naught prevents a man From living a life even worthy of the gods.
If the matter of death is reduced to sleep and rest, what can there be so bitter in it, that any one should pine in eternal grief for the decease of a friend?
Deprived of pain, and also deprived of danger, able to do what it wants, [Nature] does not need us, nor understands our deserts, and it cannot be angry.
Lucretius, who follows [Epicurus] in denouncing love, sees no harm in sexual intercourse provided it is divorced from passion.
No matter how difficult a task may look.. Persistence and steady action will get you through.
You may complete as many generations as you please during your life; none the less will that everlasting death await you.
The sum total of all sums total is eternal.
Yet a little while, and (the happy hour) will be over, nor ever more shall we be able to recall it.