Indeed, said the monk, a mass, a matins, and vespers well rung are half-said.
Anand Thakur
Indeed, said the monk, a mass, a matins, and vespers well rung are half-said.
FRANCOIS RABELAISOf a young hermit, an old devil.
FRANCOIS RABELAISNot everyone is a debtor who wishes to be; not everyone who wishes makes creditors.
FRANCOIS RABELAISNo clock is more regular than the belly.
FRANCOIS RABELAISBelieve me, ’tis a godlike thing to lend; to owe is a heroic virtue.
FRANCOIS RABELAISThere are more old drunkards than old physicians.
FRANCOIS RABELAISIt is said, proverbially, that happy is the doctor who is called in when the disease is on its way out.
FRANCOIS RABELAISAgainst fortune the carter cracks his whip in vain.
FRANCOIS RABELAISKeep running after a dog and he will never bite you.
FRANCOIS RABELAISThere are more old drunkards than old physicians.
FRANCOIS RABELAISTell the truth and shame the devil.
FRANCOIS RABELAISPantagruel was telling me that he believed the queen had given the symbolic word used among her subjects to denote sovereign good cheer, when she said to her tabachins, A panacea.
FRANCOIS RABELAISI urge you to spend your youth profitably in study and virtue…. In brief, let me see in you an abyss of knowledge.
FRANCOIS RABELAISI am going to seek a great purpose, draw the curtain, the farce is played.
FRANCOIS RABELAISHow shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
FRANCOIS RABELAISA child is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to be lit.