For out of doubt In these affairs ’tis each man’s will itself That gives the start, and hence throughout our limbs Incipient motions are diffused.
LUCRETIUSThe mask is torn off, while the reality remains
More Lucretius Quotes
Globed from the atoms falling slow or swift I see the suns, I see the systems lift Their forms; and even the systems and the suns Shall go back slowly to the eternal drift.
For thee the wonder-working earth puts forth sweet flowers.
Never trust the calm sea when she shows her false alluring smile.
We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things require a seed to start from.
Lucretius, who follows [Epicurus] in denouncing love, sees no harm in sexual intercourse provided it is divorced from passion.
The highest summits and those elevated above the level of other things are mostly blasted by envy as by a thunderbolt.
One Man’s food is another Man’s Poison
No single thing abides; but all things flow. Fragment to fragment clings – the things thus grow Until we know them and name them. By degrees They melt, and are no more the things we know.
You alone govern the nature of things. Without you nothing emerges into the light of day, without you nothing is joyous or lovely.
All things keep on in everlasting motion, Out of the infinite come the particles, Speeding above, below, in endless dance.
To ask for power is forcing uphill a stone which after all rolls back again from the summit and seeks in headlong haste the levels of the plain.
How wretched are the minds of men, and how blind their understandings.
Continual dropping wears away a stone.
Those vestiges of natures left behind Which reason cannot quite expel from us Are still so slight that naught prevents a man From living a life even worthy of the gods.
Pleasant it to behold great encounters of warfare arrayed over the plains, with no part of yours in peril.