The motion picture is the people’s Art.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSThe motion picture is the people’s Art.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSHappiness is a sort of atmosphere you can live in sometimes when you’re lucky.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSJoy is a light that fills you with hope and faith and love.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSTruth, even in the mouth of an informer, a spy, a briber, can become bigger than anybody who tries to destroy it.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSThe truth, the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSI think death has a right to its own courage and dignity and self-respect.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSI think every woman is entitled to a middle husband she can forget.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSI thought I’d spent too much of my life listening for some damn man – for my father and now for my husband.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSWoman’s work as a listener is never done. …
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSGod made man, and then said I can do better than that and made woman.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSJoy seems to me a step beyond happiness.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSThe modern woman is the curse of the universe. A disaster, that’s what.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSDeath is a door life opens.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSLittle men are dissolved in it. If there is any gold, truth makes it shine more brightly. . . .
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSThere is so little difference between husbands you might as well keep the first.
ADELA ROGERS ST. JOHNSShe thinks that before her arrival on the scene no woman ever did anything worthwhile before