There is no road of flowers leading to glory.
Anand Thakur
There is no road of flowers leading to glory.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEA hungry stomach cannot hear.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINENeither wealth or greatness render us happy.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINELynx-eyes toward our equals, and moles to ourselves.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEIt is impossible to please all the world and one’s father.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEAlas! we see that the small have always suffered for the follies of the great.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEThe best laid plot can injure its maker, and often a man’s perfidy will rebound on himself.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEIt is said, that the thing you possess is worth more than two you may have in the future. The one is sure and the other is not.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINETo live lightheartedly but not recklessly; to be gay without being boisterous; to be courageous without being bold; to show trust and cheerful resignation without fatalism – this is the art of living.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEBy the work one knows the workman.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEOne should stick to the sort of thing for which one was made; I tried to be an herbalist, Whereas I should keep to the butchers trade.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEEven if misfortune is only good for bringing a fool to his senses, it would still be just to deem it good for something.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEA hare is not caught with a drum.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINETo win a race, the swiftness of a dart Availeth not without a timely start.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEThe argument of the strongest is always the best.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEHe knows the universe and does not know himself.