A purified mind can grasp anything. It can dive deep into the subtlest subject and understand even transcendental things.
SIVANANDAIllness begins with I, Wellness begins with we.
More Sivananda Quotes
Regular meditation opens the avenues of intuitional knowledge, makes the mind calm and steady, awakens an ecstatic feeling, and brings the practitioner in contact with the source of his/her very being.
Be for ever a student. He and he alone is an old man who feels that he has learnt enough and has need for no more knowledge.
Eating, drinking, sleeping a little laughter ! much weeping! Is that all ? Do not die here like a worm. Wake up! Attain immortal bliss!
Live in the present, forget the past. Give up hopes of future.
If you do not find peace within, you will not find it anywhere else. The Goal of Life is the attainment of Peace and not the achievement of power, name, fame and wealth.
Do not love leisure. Waste not a minute. Be bold. Realize the Truth, here and now!
Pain, sorrow, ignorance are all illusory; they cannot live. Bliss, joy, knowledge are true; they cannot die.
Music is the medium for expressing emotion. Music kindles love and infuses hope. It has countless voices and instruments. Music is in the hearts of all men and women.
Let each man take the path according to his capacity, understanding and temperament. His true guru will meet him along that path.
The real spiritual progress of the aspirant is measured by the extent to which he achieves inner tranquility.
God is all-full. He is self-contained. He is eternal satisfaction.
The practice of ‘asanas’ and ‘pranayama’ wards off disease and helps to maintain alertness.
Be humble as the blade of grass that is being trodden underneath the feet. The little ant tastes joyously the sweetness of honey and sugar. The mighty elephant trembles in pain under the agony of sharp god.
Your thoughts should agree with your words, and the words should agree with your actions. In this world people think one thing, say another thing, and do something else. This is horrible. This is crookedness.
Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.