It’s not what the mind says. It’s how seriously it is taken.
MOOJIYou are the light of consciousness and also the witness of this light. You are pure awareness.
More Mooji Quotes
You are learning too much, remembering too much, trying to hard relax a little bit, give life a chance to flow its own way, unassisted by your mind and effort. Stop directing the river’s flow!
Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance your own pure heart. Keep quiet.
Your heart is the light of this world. Don’t cover it with your mind.
Out of the formless the forms appear.
Attempting to understand consciousness with your mind, is like trying to illuminate the sun with a candle.
The mind is like the wind. You’re trying to stop the wind, dressed as a kite. How are you going to do it?
If you do not trust life to unfold, the mind takes over and it becomes a game of strategy, motivated by anxiety. This mistrust is unfair. Life has given us so much, and yet we do not trust it.
If I could give you only one advice, I would say: Don’t identify with anything. Be completely empty – no one. Be no-body and see if you lose anything but delusion.
The greatest step towards a life of happiness and simplicity is to let go. Trust in the power that is already taking care of you spontaneously without effort.
You ask, ‘How to live my life?’ But with the question you are suffocating life itself, for life is spontaneity.
If you could look inside the Heart of any and every single human being, you would fall in love with them completely. If you see the inside as it really Is and not as your mind projects it to be, you would be so purely in love with the whole thing.
The greatest healing would be to wake up from what we are not.
Leave your existence to existence, stop caring for yourself so much and let the universe care for you; it is the best mother.
Giving energy to the mind, is like giving your neighbour a gun to shoot you with.
Everything is just now. Your existence is just now. Just timeless Now. All the rest is just a dream due to conditioning and memory.