To fear death, gentlemen, is no other than to think oneself wise when one is not, to think one knows what one does not know.
SOCRATESWonder is the beginning of wisdom.
More Socrates Quotes
If you want to be a good saddler, saddle the worst horse; for if you can tame one, you can tame all.
Sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down.
The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.
Give me beauty in the inward soul; may the outward and the inward man be at one.
It is better to change an opinion than to persist in a wrong one.
Be of good cheer about death, and know this of a truth, that no evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death.
By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you’ll become happy; if you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.
Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?
The easiest and noblest way is not to be crushing others, but to be improving yourselves.
We cannot live better than in seeking to become better.
If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be content to take their own and depart.
The greatest blessing granted to mankind come by way of madness, which is a divine gift.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.
Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change. Free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is law and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.
When you want wisdom and insight as badly as you want to breathe, it is then you shall have it.