All drugs are poisons the benefit depends on the dosage.
PARACELSUSCould we but rightly comprehend the mind of man, nothing would be impossible to us upon the earth.
More Paracelsus Quotes
Medicine rests upon four pillars – philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics.
Nature is a light, and by looking at Nature in her own light we will understand her. Visible Nature may be seen in her visible light; invisible Nature may become visible if we acquire the power to perceive her invisible light.
Determined will is the beginning of all magical operations. It is because men do not perfectly imagine and believe the result, that the (occult) arts are so uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain.
All numbers are multiples of one, all sciences converge to a common point, all wisdom comes out of one center, and the number of wisdom is one.
The physician must give heed to the region in which the patient lives, that is to say, to its type and peculiarities.
Nature also forges man, now a gold man, now a silver man, now a fig man, now a bean man.
Fasting is the greatest remedy– the physician within.
The art of medicine cannot be inherited, nor can it be copied from books
Thoughts create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy, from which new arts flow.
The art of medicine has its roots in the heart.
Know that the philosopher has power over the stars, and not the stars over him.
If we want to make a statement about a man’s nature on the basis of his physiognomy, we must take everything into account; it is in his distress that a man is tested, for then his nature is revealed.
This is alchemy, and this is the office of Vulcan; he is the apothecary and chemist of the medicine.
We do not know it because we are fooling away our time with outward and perishing things, and are asleep in regard to that which is real within ourself.
Medicine is not merely a science but an art. The character of the physician may act more powerfully upon the patient than the drugs employed.