Man needs a guru. But a man must have faith in the guru’s words. He succeeds in spiritual life by looking on his guru as God Himself.
RAMAKRISHNASo long as the bee is outside the petals of the lily, and has not tasted the sweetness of its honey, it hovers around the flower emitting the buzzing sound; but when it is inside the flower
More Ramakrishna Quotes
So it is true that God dwells even in the most wicked, but it is not meet that we should associate with the wicked.
The Man who works for others, without any selfish motive, really does good to himself.
Through selfless work, love of God grows in the heart. Then through his grace one realize him in course of time. God can be seen. One can talk to him as I am talking to you.
He whose mind dwells on God. But this is not possible as long as one has egotism and vanity.
It is very pleasant to scratch an itching ring-worm, but the sensation one gets afterwards is very painful and intolerable.
More are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him.
So when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again.
Knowledge leads to unity, but ignorance to diversity.
One should always maintain an attitude of respect towards other religions. Dispute not, as you rest firmly on your own faith and opinion
Once a person has faith, he has achieved everything.
To work without attachment is to work without the expectation of reward.
Sugar and sand may be mixed together, but the ant rejects the sand and goes off with the sugar grain; so pious men lift the good from the bad.
Dwell, O mind, within yourself; Enter no other’s home. If you but seek there, you will find All you are searching for.
God is in all men, but all men are not in God; that is why we suffer.
God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.