The world will die, but I shall not die.If God dies, then I will die;If he does not die, then why should I die?
KABIROne love it is that pervades the whole world, few there are who know it fully: They are blind who hope to see it by the light of reason, that reason which is the cause of separation – The house of reason is very far away!
More Kabir Quotes
I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. You wander restlessly from forest to forest while the Reality is within your own dwelling.
Wherever you are, that’s the entry point.
If it were possible to meet the Beloved while laughing and in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation?
Wear a crown of flowers on your head, let its roots reach your heart.
Forgiveness is a game only saints play Kabir.
I do not quote from the scriptures; I simply see what I see.
I laugh when I hear that the fish in the water is thirsty. You don’t grasp the fact that what is most alive of all is inside your own house; and so you walk from one holy city to the next with a confused look!
A learned man’s knowledge will be of no avail to him if he doesn’t have control over his tongue.
Faith,Waiting in the heart of a seed, Promises a miracle of life which cannot prove at once.
Look at you, you madman! Screaming you are thirsty and dying in a desert, when all around you there is nothing but water!
My heart is so intoxicated with love that I have no wish to speak.
The river that flows in you also flows in me.
Within the body there is played Music unending, though without stringed instruments That music of the Word pervades the entire creation Who listens to it is freed from all illusion.
Path presupposes distance; If He be near, no path needest thou at all. Verily it maketh me smile To hear of a fish in water athirst!
Love does not grow on trees or brought in the market, but if one wants to be “LOVED” one must first know how to give (unconditional) LOVE.