The flute of the infinite is played without ceasing, and its sound is love.
KABIRIf you make love with the divine now, in the next life you will have the face of satisfied desire.
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The river that flows in you also flows in me.
It is the spirit of the quest which helps.
The Lord is in me, the Lord is in you,as life is in every seed, put false pride away and seek the Lord within.
Listen, my friend. He who loves understands.
A learned man’s knowledge will be of no avail to him if he doesn’t have control over his tongue.
As long as I talked unceasingly about the Lord,The Lord stayed away, kept at a distance.But when I silenced my mouth, sat very stillAnd fixed my mind at the doorway of the Lord,I was linked to the music of the Word,And all my talking came to an end.
I felt in need of a great pilgrimage, so I sat still for three days and God came to me.
Lift the veil that obscures the heart, and there you will find what you are looking for.
Faith,Waiting in the heart of a seed, Promises a miracle of life which cannot prove at once.
All darkness vanished, when I saw the Lamp within my heart.
The man who is kind and who practices righteousness, who remains passive against the affairs of the world, who considers all creatures on earth as his own self, he attains the Immortal Being; the true God is ever with him.
The fish in the water that is thirsty needs serious professional counseling.
Take a pitcher full of water and set it down in the water-now it has water inside and water outside. We mustn’t give it a name, lest silly people start talking again about the body and the soul.
Do not go to the garden of flowers! O friend! go not there; In your body is the garden of flowers. Take your seat on the thousand petals of the lotus, and there gaze on the infinite beauty.
The world will die, but I shall not die.If God dies, then I will die;If he does not die, then why should I die?