Sunlight is one and the same wherever it falls; but only a bright surface like that of water, or of a mirror reflects it fully.
RAMAKRISHNABecause of the pot the water appears to be divided into two parts; because of the pot you seem to perceive an inside and an outside.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
The breeze of grace is always blowing; set your sail to catch that breeze.
One cannot attain divine knowledge till one gets rid of pride. Water does not stay on the top of a mound; but into low land it flows in torrents from all sides.
Then hold fast to whichever faith appeals to you.
A man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything.
Bondage is of the mind; freedom too is of the mind. If you say ‘I am a free soul. I am a son of God who can bind me’ free you shall be.
If you desire to be pure, have firm faith, and slowly go on with your devotional practices without wasting your energy in useless scriptural discussions and arguments. Your little brain will otherwise be muddled.
Once a person has faith, he has achieved everything.
The breeze of grace is always blowing on you. You have to open the sails and your boat will move forward.
He has not tasted the nectar of true faith; when he has tasted it, he becomes quiet and full of peace.
The truth is that you cannot attain God if you have even a trace of desire. Subtle is the way of dharma.
Do not be small minded. Do not pray for gourds and pumpkins from God, when you should be asking for pure love and pure knowledge to dawn within every heart.
A truly religious man should think that other religions also have many paths leading to the truth.
It is true that God is even in the tiger, but we must not go and face the animal.
The sun can give heat and light to the whole world, but he cannot do so when the clouds shut out his rays. Similarly as long as egotism veils the heart, God cannot shine upon it.
Dwell, O mind, within yourself; Enter no other’s home. If you but seek there, you will find All you are searching for.