The Bliss indeed is eternal, only it is covered and obscured by ignorance.
RAMAKRISHNAMan suffers through lack of faith in God.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
One cannot enter the mansion without jumping over the stump.
If you want to go east, don’t go west.
It is on account of the ego that one is not able to see God. In front of the door of God’s mansion lies the stump of ego.
Pray to God that your attachment to such transitory things as wealth, name, and creature comforts may become less and less every day.
As a piece of rope, when burnt, retains its form, but cannot serve to bind, so is the ego which is burnt by the fire of supreme Knowledge.
He is born in vain, who having attained the human birth, so difficult to get, does not attempt to realize God in this very life.
Live in the world like a waterfowl. The water clings to the bird, but the bird shakes it off. Live in the world like a mudfish.
Allow others also equal liberty to stand by their own faith and opinion.
Who is whose Guru? God alone is the guide and Guru of the universe.
You should not feel that your path is the only right path and that other paths are wrong. You mustn’t bear malice toward others.
Can you therefore say that there are no stars in the heavens during the day? Because you cannot find God in the days of your ignorance, say not that there is no God.
Travel in all the four quarters of the earth, you will find nothing (no true religion) anywhere. Whatever there is, is only here (i .e . in one ‘s own heart.)
You see many stars in the sky at night, but not when the sun rises.
So long as the heart of man is directed towards God, he cannot be lost in the ocean of worldliness.
One cannot be spiritual as long as one has shame, hatred, or fear.