One can be well-bred and write bad poetry.
MOLIEREWe must take the good with the bad; For the good when it’s good, is so very good That the bad when it’s bad can’t be bad!
More Moliere Quotes
Perfect reason flees all extremity, and leads one to be wise with sobriety.
It is a long road from conception to completion.
You think you can marry for your own pleasure, friend?
All right-minded people adore it; and anyone who is able to live without it is unworthy to draw breathe
I would like to be like my father and all the rest of my ancestors who never married.
I want people to be sincere; a man of honor shouldn’t speak a single word that doesn’t come straight from his heart.
Gold gives to the ugliest thing a certain charming air, For that without it were else a miserable affair.
Those whose conduct gives room for talk are always the first to attack their neighbors.
Books and marriage go ill together.
All the satires of the stage should be viewed without discomfort. They are public mirrors, where we are never to admit that we see ourselves; one admits to a fault when one is scandalized by its censure.
I want to be distinguished from the rest; to tell the truth, a friend to all mankind is not a friend for me.
How strange it is to see with how much passion People see things only in their own fashion!
The smallest errors are always the best.
You never see the old austerity That was the essence of civility; Young people hereabouts, unbridled, now Just want.
And with his arms crossed he looks pityingly down from his spiritual height on everything that anyone says.