The human spirit may be likened to the bounty of the sun shining on a mirror. The body of man, … grows and develops through the animal spirit.
ABDU'L-BAHAThis is destined to come about. In the same way, in the character, the conduct and the manners of men, universal modifications will be made.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
Every kind of knowledge, every science, is as a tree: if the fruit of it be the love of God, then is it a blessed tree, but if not, that tree is but dried-up wood, and shall only feed the fire
The body of the human world is sick. Its remedy and healing will be the oneness of the kingdom of humanity. Its life is the Most Great Peace. Its illumination and quickening is love.
It is not possible to fly with one wing alone! Should a man try to fly with the wing of religion alone he would quickly fall into the quagmire of superstition
All Art is a gift of the Holy Spirit. When this light shines through the mind of a musician, it manifests itself in beautiful harmonies. Again, shining through the mind of a poet, it is seen in fine poetry and poetic prose.
He needed ears; he obtained them there in readiness and preparation for his new existence. The powers requisite in this world were conferred upon him in the world of the matrix.
Set your faces steadily towards the Light of the World. Show love to all… Take courage! God never forsakes His children who strive and work and pray!
What profit is there in agreeing that universal friendship is good, and talking of the solidarity of the human race as a grand ideal?
If others hurl their darts against you, offer them milk and honey in return; if they poison your lives, sweeten their souls.
In this sacred Dispensation conflict and contention are in no wise permitted.
The world in the past has been ruled by force, and man has dominated over woman by reason of his more forceful and aggressive qualities both of body and mind.
If we are not happy and joyous at this season, for what other season shall we wait and for what other time shall we look?
Bahá’í marriage is union and cordial affection between the two parties. They must, however, exercise the utmost care and become acquainted with each other’s character.
And now one of the greatest and most fundamental principles of the Cause of God is to shun and avoid entirely the Covenant-breakers, for they will utterly destroy the Cause of God, exterminate
God has created us all humanHe is kind & just to all. Why should we be unkind & unjust to each other?
The forces and powers necessary for this world were bestowed upon him in that limited condition. In this world he needed eyes; he received them potentially in the other.