On faith’s battered back calm eyes etch prayers that cool a nation’s hot rage.
ABERJHANIIf life is a birthday cake let my face be smeared with its icing of cognac and kindness.
More Aberjhani Quotes
War poisons the land Like diseased minds downloaded/ into bowls of tears.
Creative visualization may be described as an extended meditation session that reaches beyond passive contemplation and achieves transformative action.
Rainbows introduce us to reflections of different beautiful possibilities so we never forget that pain and grief are not the final options in life.
We rarely get a definitive look at just how complicated and sometimes dangerous their everyday lives were. In fact,
As goes love so goes life.
This rose of pearl-coated infinity transforms the diseased slums of a broken heart into a palace made of psalms and gold.
Because Mr. Mandelas early opponents invested so many resources into distorting the true nature of his advocacy
Shine your soul with the same egoless humility as the rainbow and no matter where you go in this world or the next, love will find you, attend you, and bless you.
In a world gushing blood day and night, you never stop mopping up pain.
How hard are human beings willing to fight to achieve and sustain justice, equanimity, or joy? And should progress be called such when it devours what is best within the human spirit?
We can cry for years but sometimes gotta smile too.
The more we ignore its potential to bring greater balance and deeper meaning to human existence
Dreams dress us carefully in the colors of power and faith.
Now come the whispers bearing bouquets of moonbeams and sunlight tremblings.
The job facing American voter in the days and years to come is to determine which hearts, minds and souls command those qualities best suited to unify a country rather than further divide it,