Overall, my books represent a kind of shared communion and meditation with my fellow human beings…
ABERJHANIWar poisons the land Like diseased minds downloaded/ into bowls of tears.
More Aberjhani Quotes
If life is a birthday cake let my face be smeared with its icing of cognac and kindness.
A horn of plenty spills from your hands into the starved lives of millions.
Beauty from another world gave birth to your voice– sent to rescue scorned hearts from traumatized nights.
By striving so mightily to accomplish specific goals on behalf of one segment of humanity, she [Toni Morrison] went beyond them to create literary wonders capable of enriching the lives of not just her own people, but of all people.
Everywhere we shine death and life burn into something new.
Change is one of the scariest things in the world and yet it is also one of those variables of human existence that no one can avoid.
She [Whitney Houston] inherited gifts for skillfully interpreting lyrics and endowing them with new depth and jeweled nuance.
Even when muddy your wings sparkle bright wonders that heal broken worlds.
Horror tore this world asunder. While inside the bleeding smoke and beyond the shredded weeping flesh we memorized tales of infinite good. -from The History Lesson
What they suffered from was not mental debilitation, but personal and communal ignorance of psychic reality.
Like a Passover Poet gliding from house to house and from trembling soul to trembling soul the wind scribbled sonnets of first time love and weeping haikus of last hours on earth.
A world without poetry and art would be too much like one without birds or flowers: bearable but a lot less enjoyable.
Many may very well continue to ask why more value is placed on technicalities of a law than on a man’s flesh and blood life, especially when there is any amount of “doubt” at all regarding his guilt or innocence.
In a rich moonlit garden, flowers open beneath the eyes of entire nations terrified to acknowledge the simplicity of the beauty of peace.
We rarely get a definitive look at just how complicated and sometimes dangerous their everyday lives were. In fact,