Love everybody, serve everybody.
ABDU'L-BAHAHe who is educated by the Divine Spirit can, in his time, lead others to receive the same Spirit.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
To find that Bahá’í young people, each and all, are known throughout the world for their intellectual attainmen
If religious beliefs and opinions are found contrary to the standards of science they are mere superstitions and imaginations.
The mind and spirit of man advance when he is tried by suffering. … so suffering and tribulation free man from the petty affairs of this worldly life until he arrives at a state of complete detachment.
Love manifests its reality in deeds, not only in words – these alone are without effect.
By some this state is reached through pills, powders, and physicians. By others through hygiene, fasting, and prayer. By others through direct perception.
Let us join together to hasten forward the Divine Cause of unity, until all humanity knows itself to be one family, joined together in love.
Or to a guilty or innocent sufferer! Sacrifice yourself, your talent, your time, your rest to another, to one who has to bear a heavier load than you – and your unhappy mood will dissolve into a blessed, contented submission to God.
May you become as the waves of one sea, stars of the same heaven, fruits adorning the same tree, roses of one garden in order that through you the oneness of humanity may establish its temple in the world of mankind
I want you to be happy…to laugh, smile and rejoice in order that others may be made happy by you.
If religion becomes a cause of dislike, hatred and division it were better to be without it.
This eternal bond should be made secure by a firm covenant, and the intention should be to foster harmony, fellowship and unity and to attain everlasting life.
Let them at all times concern themselves with doing a kindly thing for one of their fellows, offering to someone love, consideration, thoughtful help.
It is your duty to be exceedingly kind to every human being…until ye change the world of man into the world of God.
Dignity before God depends, not on sex, but on purity and luminosity of heart. Human virtues belong equally to all!
In the world of existence there is indeed no greater power than the power of love