Man’s intelligence is greater, spirituality is beginning to grow, and a time is surely coming when the religions of the world will be at peace.
ABDU'L-BAHAReligion and science are the two wings upon which man’s intelligence can soar into the heights, with which the human soul can progress.
More Abdu'l-Baha Quotes
One must see in every human being only that which is worthy of praise. When this is done, one can be a friend to the whole human race.
I beseech you, one and all, to add your prayers to mine to the end that war and bloodshed cease, and that love, friendship, peace and unity reign in the world.
The gift of God to this enlightened age is the knowledge of the oneness of mankind and of the fundamental oneness of religion.
To oppose knowledge is ignorant, and he who detests knowledge and science is not a man, but rather an animal without intelligence.
The mind and spirit of man advance when he is tried by suffering. … so suffering and tribulation free man from the petty affairs of this worldly life until he arrives at a state of complete detachment.
Man is in reality a spiritual being and only when he lives in the spirit is he truly happy.
For knowledge is light, life, felicity, perfection, beauty and the means of approaching the Threshold of Unity. It is the honor and glory of the world of humanity
Whatever other children learn in a year, let Bahá’í children learn in a month. The heart of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá longeth, in its love
Happiness is a great healer to those who are ill….This has a greater effect than the remedy itself. You must always have this thought of love and affection when you visit the ailing and afflicted.
If one of these two become the cause of divorce, that one will 392 unquestionably fall into great difficulties, will become the victim of formidable calamities and experience deep remorse.
In the world of existence there is indeed no greater power than the power of love
No harm will happen to the bounty of the sun, which is everlasting. This spirit has the power of discovery; it encompasses all things.
War shall cease between nations, and by the will of God the Most Great Peace shall come; the world will be seen as a new world, and all men will live as brothers.
The confirmations of the Spirit are all those powers and gifts which some are born with (and which men sometimes call genius), but for which others have to strive with infinite pains.
Its happiness is the attainment of spiritual perfections.