Believing hear, what you deserve to hear: Your birthday as my own to me is dear. But yours gives most; for mine did only lend Me to the world; yours gave to me a friend.
MARTIALYou complain, friend Swift, of the length of my epigrams, but you yourself write nothing. Yours are shorter.
More Martial Quotes
Virtue extends our days: he lives two lives who relives his past with pleasure.
You’re obstinate, pliant, merry, morose, all at once. For me there’s no living with you, or without you.
Your seventh wife, Phileros, is now being buried in your field. No man’s field brings him greater profit than yours, Phileros.
The shameless Chloe placed on the tombs of her seven husbands the inscription, “The work of Chloe.” How could she have expressed herself more plainly?
If you have any shame, forbear to pluck the beard of a dead lion.
The flaw which is hidden is deemed greater than it is.
You ask what a nice girl will do? She won’t give an inch, but she won’t say no.
The bee is enclosed, and shines preserved in amber, so that it seems enshrined in its own nectar.
No man is quick enough to enjoy life.
To have nothing is not poverty.
Red-haired, black-lipped, club-footed, and blink-eyed; if you’re a good man, you’re a wonder!
I have granted you much that you asked: and yet you never cease to ask of me. He who refuses nothing, Atticilla, will soon have nothing to refuse.
Spare the person but lash the vice.
Every bird that upwards swings Bears the Cross upon its wings.
A good man doubles the length of his existence; to have lived so as to look back with pleasure on our past existence is to live twice.