Posterity gives to every man his true honor. [Lat., Suum cuique decus posteritas rependet.]
TACITUSBe assured those will be thy worst enemies, not to whom thou hast done evil, but who have done evil to thee. And those will be thy best friends, not to whom thou hast done good, but who have done good to thee.
More Tacitus Quotes
Noble character is best appreciated in those ages in which it can most readily develop.
To show resentment at a reproach is to acknowledge that one may have deserved it.
Things forbidden have a secret charm.
Those in supreme power always suspect and hate their next heir.
The word liberty has been falsely used by persons who, being degenerately profligate in private life, and mischievous in public, had no hope left but in fomenting discord.
Laws were most numerous when the commonwealth was most corrupt
He (Tiberius) was wont to mock at the arts of physicians, and at those who, after thirty years of age, needed counsel as to what was good or bad for their bodies.
A woman once fallen will shrink from no impropriety.
Many who seem to be struggling with adversity are happy; many, amid great affluence, are utterly miserable.
All those things that are now field to be of the greatest antiquity were at one time new; what we to-day hold up by example will rank hereafter as precedent.
All things atrocious and shameless flock from all parts to Rome.
The love of fame is a love that even the wisest of men are reluctant to forgo.
The love of fame is the last weakness which even the wise resign.
In stirring up tumult and strife, the worst men can do the most, but peace and quiet cannot be established without virtue.
All inconsiderate enterprises are impetuous at first, but soon lanquish. [Lat., Omnia inconsulti impetus coepta, initiis valida, spatio languescunt.]