Hypotheses are nets: only he who casts will catch.
NOVALISLife is the beginning of death. Life is for the sake of death. Death is at once the end and the beginning—at once separation and closer union of the self. Through death the reduction is complete.
More Novalis Quotes
There is but one temple in the universe, and that is the body of man.
The seat of the soul is where the inner world and the outer world meet. Where they overlap, it is in every point of the overlap.
Humanity is the higher meaning of our planet, the nerve that connects this part of it with the upper world, the eye it raises to heaven.
We touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human body!
Only as far as a man is happily married to himself is he fit for married life and family life in general.
A complete need should not exist love, life in common with loved ones?
We are more closely connected to the invisible than to the visible.
Every stage of education begins with childhood. That is why the most educated person on earth so much resembles a child.
Play is experimenting with chance.
In cheerful souls there is no wit. Wit shows a disturbance of the equipoise.
Every disease is a musical problem; every cure is a musical solution.
Genius in general is poetic. Where genius has been active it has been poetically active. The truly moral person is a poet.
Every disease is a musical problem. Its cure a musical solution. The more rapid and complete the solution, the greater the musical talent of the doctor.
Philosophy can bake no bread; but she can procure for us God, Freedom, Immortality. Which, then, is more practical, Philosophy or Economy?
Perceptibility is a kind of attentiveness.