People get into the habit of entrusting the things they desire to wishful thinking, and subjecting things they don’t desire to exhaustive thinking.
THUCYDIDESHuman nature is the one constant through human history. It is always there.
More Thucydides Quotes
When will there be justice in Athens? There will be justice in Athens when those who are not injured are as outraged as those who are.
He who graduates the harshest school, succeeds.
Those who have experienced good and bad luck many times have every reason to be skeptical of successes.
The growth of the power of Athens, and the alarm which this inspired in Sparta, made war inevitable.
Ignorance is bold and knowledge reserved.
For so remarkably perverse is the nature of man that he despises whoever courts him, and admires whoever will not bend before him.
And where the rewards for merit are greatest, there are found the best citizens.
For they had learned that true safety was to be found in long previous training, and not in eloquent exhortations uttered when they were going into action.
The cause of all these evils was the lust for power arising from greed and ambition; and from these passions proceeded the violence of parties once engaged in contention.
Men do not rest content with parrying the attacks of a superior, but often strike the first blow to prevent the attack being made.
It is a general rule of human nature that people despise those who treat them well, and look up to those who make no concessions.
Those who really deserve praise are the people who, while human enough to enjoy power, nevertheless pay more attention to justice than they are compelled to do by their situation.
I dread our own mistakes more than the enemy’s intentions.
Still hope leads men to venture; and no one ever yet put himself in peril without the inward conviction that he would succeed in his design.
Of the gods we believe, and of men we know, that by a necessary law of their nature they rule wherever they can.