Each say following another, either hastening or putting off our death–what pleasure does it bring? I count that man worthless whois cheered by empty hopes. No, a noble man must either live or die well.
SOPHOCLESThe kind of man who always thinks that he is right, that his opinions, his pronouncements, are the final word, when once exposed shows nothing there. But a wise man has much to learn without a loss of dignity.
More Sophocles Quotes
I recommend bread, meat, vegetables, and beer.
One who knows how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession.
Ignorance is a tough evil to conquer.
I am the child of Fortune, the giver of good, and I shall not be shamed. She is my mother; my sisters are the Seasons; my rising and my falling match with theirs. Born thus, I ask to be no other man than that I am.
Quick decisions are unsafe decisions.
There is a point beyond which even justice becomes unjust.
Who seeks shall find.
The soul that has conceived one wickedness can nurse no good thereafter.
If my body is enslaved, still my mind is free.
Knowledge must come through action.
But the power of destiny is something awesome; neither wealth, nor Ares, nor a tower, nor dark-hulled ships might escape it.
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong.
Not to be born surpasses all reckoning. The next best thing by far, when one has been born is to go back as swiftly as possible whence one came.
The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities.
Surely, to think your own the only wisdom, and yours the only word, the only will, betrays a shallow spirit, an empty heart.