We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school.
THUCYDIDESThe Thracian people, like the bloodiest of the barbarians, being ever most murderous when it has nothing to fear.
More Thucydides Quotes
Mankind apparently find it easier to drive away adversity than to retain prosperity.
So little trouble do men take in the search after truth; so readily do they accept whatever comes first to hand.
It is a general rule of human nature that people despise those who treat them well, and look up to those who make no concessions.
Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave. Therefore do not take lightly the perils of war.
For men naturally despise those who court them, but respect those who do not give way to them.
Still hope leads men to venture; and no one ever yet put himself in peril without the inward conviction that he would succeed in his design.
War is a matter not so much of arms as of money.
The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet not withstanding go out to meet it.
Speculation is carried on in safety, but, when it comes to action, fear causes failure.
Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and respect of self, in turn, is the chief element in courage.
In a democracy, someone who fails to get elected to office can always console himself with the thought that there was something not quite fair about it.
Happiness depends on being free, and freedom depends on being courageous.
Knowledge without understanding is useless.
Peace is an armistice in a war that is continuously going on.
Those who have experienced good and bad luck many times have every reason to be skeptical of successes.