How many things… are looked upon as quite impossible until they have been actually effected?
PLINY THE ELDERWhat comes around goes around.
More 50 Cent Quotes
If you die in an elevator make sure you press the UP button.
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Get rich or die tryin’.
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Love your enemies and hate your friends, your enemies remain the same your friends always change.
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The greatest danger you face is your mind growing soft and your eye getting dull.
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Show No Love , Cause Love Can Get you killed.
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You shouldn’t throw stones if you live in a glass house and if you got a glass jaw, you should watch yo mouth: cause I’ll break yo face.
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Fears are a kind of prison that confines you within a limited range of action. The less you fear, the more power you will have and the more fully you will live.
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Your goal in life must be to always move higher and higher up the food chain, where you alone control the direction of your enterprise and depend on no one.
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Absorb a massive amount of detail and organize it in his mind.
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That is the physics that all fearless types discover at some point – an appropriate ratcheting up of self-belief and energy when facing negative or even impossible circumstances.
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The empire fell well before the invasion of the barbarians. It collapsed from the collective softness of its citizens’ minds and the turning of their back on reality.
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Its not about the dog in the fight, its about the fight in the dog!
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Now is the time to stop drifting and wake up – to assess yourself, the people around you, and the direction in which you are headed in as cold and brutal a light as possible. Without fear.
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The knife’s edge that separates failure from success in life. That edge is your attitude, which has the power to help shape your reality.
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What comes around goes around.