Because one has little fear of shocking vanity in Italy, people adopt an intimate tone very quickly and discuss personal things.
STENDHALLove is like a fever which comes and goes quite independently of the will. There are no age limits for love.
More Stendhal Quotes
Now that the steam engine rules the world, a title is an absurdity, still I am all dressed up in this title. It will crush me if Ido not support it. The title attracts attention to myself.
To find love in Paris you must go down among those classes where the absence of education and of vanity, and the struggle for bare necessities, have allowed more energy to survive.
Every great action is extreme when it is undertaken. Only after it has been accomplished does it seem possible to those creatures of more common stuff.
Nothing is so hideous as an obsolete fashion.
I do not feel I have wisdom enough yet to love what is ugly.
One of the traits of genius is not to drag its thought through the rut worn by vulgar minds.
God’s only excuse is that he does not exist.
Life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning never can be regained.
I am mad, I am going under, I must follow the advice of a friend, and pay no heed to myself.
At a distance, we cannot conceive of the authority of a despot who knows all his subjects on sight.
It is better to have a prosaic husband and to take a romantic lover.
Every true passion thinks only of itself.
The pleasures of love are always in proportion to our fears.
Far less envy in America than in France.
The English are, I think the most obtuse and barbarous people in the world