I do not feel I have wisdom enough yet to love what is ugly.
STENDHALLove has always been the most important business in my life; I should say the only one.
More Stendhal Quotes
I think no woman I have had ever gave me so sweet a moment, or at so light a price, as the moment I owe to a newly heard musical phrase.
It is not enough for a landscape to be interesting in itself. Eventually there must be a moral and historic interest.
People who have been made to suffer by certain things cannot be reminded of them without a horror which paralyses every other pleasure, even that to be found in reading a story.
A novel is like a bow, and the violin that produces the sound is the reader’s soul.
Love is like a fever which comes and goes quite independently of the will. There are no age limits for love.
There is no such thing as “natural law”: this expression is nothing but old nonsense… Prior to laws, what is natural is only the strength of the lion, or the need of the creature suffering from hunger or cold, in short, need.
I love her beauty, but I fear her mind.
One can acquire everything in solitude except character.
The difference breeds hatred.
People are less self-conscious in the intimacy of family life and during the anxiety of a great sorrow. The dazzling varnish of an extreme politeness is then less in evidence, and the true qualities of the heart regain their proper proportions.
When a man leaves his mistress, he runs the risk of being betrayed two or three times daily.
Signs cannot be represented, in a spy’s report, so damningly as words.
One of the traits of genius is not to drag its thought through the rut worn by vulgar minds.
Never had he found himself so close to those terrible weapons of feminine artillery.
This is the curse of our age, even the strangest aberrations are no cure for boredom.