And just like the leaves in the fall, she fell, too. And it changed her. And it was wonderful.
MOOMERWhen you’re with her, I know you wish it was me. When I’m with him, he’s all I see.
More Moomer Quotes
She was someone who still believed that she could love with a shattered heart, and that made her remarkable.
Misery only ever lingers on those who choose not to see the beauty in anyone, other than themselves.
The way that the water reflects off of her eyes, tells me a story of beautiful pain.
Never forget what broke you. And never forget how you put yourself back together.
I fell like the rain on a perfectly sunny afternoon. It rushed over me out of nowhere. It opened up the skies.
I’m choosing to build castle out of the things that nearly destroy me.
I watched him make wishes on shooting stars and dandelions, while I stood there never knowing if I was enough.
She brought the kind of light that was similar to the sun right after it rains.
Like deep water, she was silent. His lips tasted of salt. He was both addicting and bitter all at once.
Time heals what you allow it to.
I found him in all the chaos, and that was when my world started making sense again.
Sometimes its easier to focus on the pain you’ve felt. Instead, think of the strength you’ve gained.
I will always remember you. And the way I bloomed. Not with you, but after you.
And some days, all she needs is to lay beneath the crescent moon and let the earth hold her.
Its okay to have high standards. You deserve exactly what you want.