If men come among you who do NOT preach all the counsel of God, who do NOT preach of Christ, sin, holiness, of ruin, redemption, and regeneration, and do NOT preach of these things in a Scriptural way, you ought to cease to hear them.
J. C. RYLEIt was the whole Trinity, which at the beginning of creation said, “Let us make man”. It was the whole Trinity again, which at the beginning of the Gospel seemed to say, “Let us save man”.
More J. C. Ryle Quotes
Let us strive, every year we live, to become more deeply acquainted with Scripture.
J. C. RYLE -
Love should be the silver thread that runs through all your conduct.
J. C. RYLE -
Let us never forget that our chief danger is from within. The world and the devil combined, cannot do us as much harm as our own hearts will, if we do not watch and pray.
J. C. RYLE -
If God has given His Son to die for us, let us beware of doubting His kindness and love in any painful providence of our daily life.
J. C. RYLE -
That preaching is sadly defective which dwells exclusively on the mercies of God and the joys of heaven, yet never sets forth the terrors of the Lord and the miseries of hell.
J. C. RYLE -
Let your Christianity be so unmistakable, your eye so single, your heart so whole, your walk so straightforward, that all who see you may have no doubt whose you are, and whom you serve.
J. C. RYLE -
If you do not love Christ, let me tell you plainly what is the reason. You have no sense of debt to him.
J. C. RYLE -
Our prayers may be weak, stammering, and poor in our eyes. But if they come from a right heart, God understands them. Such prayers are His delight.
J. C. RYLE -
Wherever we may be, or whatever our circumstances, the Lord Jesus sees them. We are never beyond the reach of His care.
J. C. RYLE -
Men fall in private long before they fall in public.
J. C. RYLE -
It must not content us to take our bodies to church if we leave our hearts at home.
J. C. RYLE -
Let us be very careful that we never exalt any minister, or sermon, or book, or friend above the Word of God.
J. C. RYLE -
Better to confess Christ 1000 times now and be despised by men, than be disowned by Christ before God on the day of Judgment.
J. C. RYLE -
Your trials, crosses, and conflicts are all temporary.
J. C. RYLE -
A Christian is a walking sermon. They preach far more than a minister does, for they preach all week long.