Oh God, I say not hear my prayers! I say: Blot with forgiving pen my sins away!
SAADIGod gives sleep to the bad, in order that the good may be undisturbed.
More Saadi Quotes
Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste.
If a gem falls into mud it is still valuable. If dust ascends to heaven, it remains valueless.
You who feel no pain at the suffering of others It is not fitting for you to be called human.
I have never seen a man lost who was on a straight path.
The hand of liberality is stronger than the arm of power.
It is safer to be silent than to reveal one’s secret to any one, and telling him not to mention it.
The stranger has no friend, unless it be a stranger.
Be not so severe as to cause shyness, nor so clement as to encourage boldness.
Man is, beyond dispute, the most excellent of created beings, and the vilest animal is a dog; but the sages agree that a grateful dog is better than an ungrateful man.
Virtue is in the mind, not in the appearance.
Two orders of mankind are the enemies of church and state; the king without clemency, and the holy man without learning.
Whenever you argue with another wiser than yourself in order that others may admire your wisdom, they will discover your ignorance.
A little beauty is preferable to much wealth.
People are crying up the rich and variegated plumage of the peacock, and he is himself blushing at the sight of his ugly feet.
If a piece of worthless stone can bruise a cup of gold, its worth is not increased, nor that of the gold diminished.