The low minded are fond of deception the nature of low-minded people never changes.
CHANAKYAWater is the medicine for indigestion; it is invigorating when the food that is eaten is well digested; it is like nectar when drunk in the middle of a dinner; and it is like poison when taken at the end of a meal.
More Chanakya Quotes
God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple.
He who has wealth has friends.
If one limb of the body is defected or inflicted with, disease, the whole feels that pain. Some way if any department, minister or official of the state is faulty, the whole country is effected. An administrator should try hard to curb it.
A thing may be dreaded as long as it has not overtaken you.
Religion is preserved by wealth; knowledge by diligent practice; a king by conciliatory words; and a home by a dutiful housewife.
As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it.
It is better to live under a tree in a jungle inhabited by tigers and elephants, to maintain oneself in such a place with ripe fruits and spring water, to lie down on grass and to wear the ragged barks of trees than to live amongst one’s relations when reduced to poverty.
Don’t judge the future of a person based on his present conditions, because time has the power to change black coal to shiny diamond.
He who gives up shyness in monetary dealings, in acquiring knowledge, in eating and in business, becomes happy.
Do not put your trust in a bad companion nor even trust an ordinary friend, for if he should get angry with you, he may bring all your secrets to light.
A permanent relationship is dependent on particular purpose or wealth.
A wise man should marry a virgin of a respectable family even if she is deformed. He should not marry one of a low-class family, through beauty. Marriage in a family of equal status is preferable.
Poverty, disease, sorrow, imprisonment and other evils are the fruits borne by the tree of one’s own sins.
Low class men desire wealth;middle class men both wealth and respect; but the noble, honour only; hence honour is the noble man’s true wealth.
Even a captured enemy is not to be trusted.