She’s badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She’s the type of woman you go to war beside, the type of woman you marry.
R. H. SINShe’s badass with a good heart, soft but strong. Unapologetic and honest. She’s the type of woman you go to war beside, the type of woman you marry.
More R. H. Sin Quotes
These women are capable of walking away, and they will.
R. H. SIN -
Narcissists love to provoke you than call you crazy.
R. H. SIN -
“I don’t deserve you; you deserve better” is a red flag.
R. H. SIN -
She burned flames and drowned oceans.
R. H. SIN -
Loving someone doesn’t make them deserve you.
R. H. SIN -
Don’t make her think you care when you have never given a fuck about her.
R. H. SIN -
Just because she’s patient doesn’t mean you should make her wait.
R. H. SIN -
Weak men are afraid of a woman’s strength.
R. H. SIN -
They name the most powerful storms after women for a reason.
R. H. SIN -
Being strong is lonely.
R. H. SIN -
I was the ocean you wanted rivers; I was the moon you chased the stars.
R. H. SIN -
She was a beautiful savage.
R. H. SIN -
Tell these girls they don’t need men to feel like woman.
R. H. SIN -
There’s still magic in a heart that’s been broken.
R. H. SIN -
I seek the truth we’ve never been told.